Sunday, January 18, 2015

Trial Run

On Friday a horse was delivered to my barn for my to try for a couple weeks.  It's a challenge to evaluate potential of a horse who has never done anything before.  This mare has only done trail riding, she's never been ridden on contact, in an english saddle, in an arena, or over ground poles.  I'm evaluating raw talent in an out of shape package.

Here's a video of her moving around the arena

As to the others, the buckskin sold before I could get out to see her. I'm disappointed but when I looked into it further it seems like the owner is a horse trader/swapper so I might have dodged a bullet.

The paint mare's owner never got back with me and I think she decided she just couldn't part with her horse.  


  1. her trot is nice and she's cute. What's her canter like? if she has 3 good gaits and good brain you can do a lot with her.


March has jokes

 My enthusiasm to ride has vanished again. Instead of riding I've been working on teaching the baby horses to tie.  Great drama ensued. ...