Saturday, December 2, 2017

Christmas List

As a horse owner on a shoestring budget most of my Christmas present ideas are about practicality.  I'm pretty much a practical gift person.  Gift me something I can use over and over as part of my daily life and I'm happy.  Gifts should be thoughtful but useful.  OK, so maybe it's boring but that's what I like.

My first want is the Horze Prescott figure 8 bridle.  I saw this bridle at the event formerly known as Rolex last summer and loved both the price and the attention to detail.  I thought it would make us look like serious eventers. 

Do I really need another saddle pad?  Does anyone?  Maybe if it's the Horze Turner saddle pad which has a little bit of a different design to it so it stands out in the crowd.  I love the big bold circles and the color choices!  This would make a great XC pad for the eventer on a budget. 

I also love this ECP quilted contoured correction pad.  Not only does it have a really cool cutaway XC design but it has inserts for included memory foam shims, ensuring that your horse is getting a little bit of a cushion when he's out there galloping around like a beast.  It's not only affordable, but it comes in all the colors you need to be matchy matchy.

At some point you might want some white breeches when you feel you've earned them but you struggle with wearing white around horses.  These Horze active silicone grip breeches fit the bill.  White with a sticky silicone grip seat for sitting that trot at an affordable price so you don't cry when Dobbin slobbers grass all over you or you get bucked off in the warm up. 

This is more of a camping item.  Do you hate using the slightly sketchy poorly light full of smells and wasps pit toilet at camping sites?  Or do you find  yourself at barns without a public toilet but you can't quite bring yourself to peeing in the trailer?  Try this Camping flush toilet, set it up in your dressing room and feel slightly more like a regular person. 

Still being a relatively new horse trailer owner I can't get enough of safety gear.  These Reflective horse trailer signs are supposed to keep you more visible at night and warn people that you have a live load.  I'm not sure if drivers actually care but I do feel like drivers tail gate slightly less when I have my rear curtains off and they can see Stella. 

I also like this Noble Outfitters grooming tote.  It comes in plenty of colors and has enough storage for all of your things for lessons and shows. 

Road ID provides a great alternative to the old medical armbands.  This handy bracelet comes in lots of colors and has an online option. You can wear it at horse trials, while biking, hiking, or just every day for that hopefully never to happen emergency. 

“EV113.3 MEDICAL CARDS/MEDICAL BRACELETS. An approved and completed medical card or medical bracelet is required any time while jumping. Medical cards must be enclosed in a transparent, waterproof carrier. Medical cards must be securely attached to the competitor’s upper arm on the outside of the competitor’s clothing. Medical bracelets must be visible on the competitor’s wrist. Medical cards must include any relevant medical history, injury (particularly to the head), drug allergies and current medication. If wearing a medical bracelet, any relevant medical history injury (particularly to the head), drug allergies and current medication must be included in the online medical form of the bracelet’s vendor website. Athletes are responsible to record all injuries on the card or in the case of a medical bracelet, update their medical information online. Failure to wear one’s own medical card or bracelet shall be penalized by a fine of $100 (payable to the Organizing Committee).”


  1. I love everyone one of your choices.

  2. lol "All I want for christmas is a toilet" I think that was on my mom's list once when we were doing home repairs

    1. Hey, it beats pooping in the woods. Practical. Useful.


March has jokes

 My enthusiasm to ride has vanished again. Instead of riding I've been working on teaching the baby horses to tie.  Great drama ensued. ...